ASLAN Training CEO and Founder Tom Stanfill was recently highlighted on the JF Interview Series and discussed the impact of the changes within the selling process.
Selling has gotten harder as access to information is more readily available. Tom Stanfill discusses applications ASLAN Training has successfully utilized to train Fortune 1000 companies on how to adapt and be successful in today’s ever-changing marketplace.

About JK Interview Series
In this series of interviews, my principle objective is to enjoy dialogue with genuine sales & marketing thought leaders. In particular, I am always keen to debate the future of professional selling because we have witnessed more advances in the past 5 years than in the previous fifty and we have no reason to suspect that the current rate of change will lose any of its momentum. We are all faced with new ways of thinking, many of which directly challenge what we have been taught and believe. Willy Loman, in Arthur Miller’s classic Death of a Salesman, didn’t become a bad salesman overnight – he just refused to change…
About ASLAN Training & Development
ASLAN Training and Development is a global sales training and consulting firm that offers customized, inside sales training, field sales training, and sales leadership development. Since 1996 ASLAN has helped internationally recognized brands improve the performance of their sales reps and managers. ASLAN recognizes that all sales roles are not the same and has developed a total suite of solutions that are designed for improving overall performance for each of the 11 unique sales roles. To learn more about how we can help your organization bridge the gap in sales force execution, visit us at or call us at (866) 362-6496.