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Improve the customer experience by learning the right way to upsell

What is Experience+?

Experience+ is a workshop specifically designed to improve customer service, inspire rep confidence, and drive results – and it all revolves around choosing to serve.


Customer Service Reps Are Hesitant To Sell

A high percentage of reps and managers believe that selling focuses on manipulating the customer.

The result – frustrated team members, customers who are kept in the dark, and missed opportunities.

of customers expect companies to meet all of their needs, stated or otherwise
customers are 2.4X more likely to stick with brands that proactively help them solve their problems

You Have To Flip The Script

Upselling isn’t about manipulation, it's about service. By flipping the script and framing it as a better way to serve the customer, reps feel like they bring value to every conversation, customers are more educated, and everyone wins.


Putting Service Back Into Customer Service

A sales workshop for customer service reps who struggle with:


Proactively leading calls


Confidently upselling new products or services


Answering tough questions


Being comfortable with closing


What Reps Learn In Experience+?

A fresh perspective for better customer service.


Selling Is About Service

Most reps are resistant to selling because they feel it is manipulative.

We redefine the role as one centered on service, where selling is about educating the customer and meeting their needs – stated or unstated.


Become a Trusted Advisor

Changing customer service reps from order takers to consultants is essential.

We make it easy to serve, by introducing an Other-Centered® approach.


Learn To Lead

Reps learn to uncover needs and lead the customer to the solution that will help them overcome challenges.

Along the way we build the reps' confidence to close.

Service Starts Here

Download an overview of the entire Experience+ workshop


How is Experience+ Different?

When selling starts with service, everyone wins.

Remove Resistance

We start the process by reframing the customer service role. They will learn that their goal is not to sell, but to serve. This breaks through pre-established concerns and allows the reps to look at sales through a new lens.

Which roles can benefit from Experience+?

ASLAN provides sales training for:

Customer Care Specialists

Call Center Representatives

Customer Service Managers

Tech Support

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"Selling is the highest form of service."

How the Experience+ is delivered



Classroom delivery is our most popular, as it allows for hands-on training through real-world experiences. Reps have direct access to ASLAN guides for immediate feedback and faster results.

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Do your reps work remotely or in call centers around the globe? Our virtual option makes it easy to get everyone on board and moving in the same direction


Train the Trainer

Looking for content for your learning leadership team? Experience+ can be packaged and delivered as white-labeled content. We train your team in everything Other-Centered so you can deliver the program at any time.

The results of the training with ASLAN far exceeded our expectations. The Direct Banking Center increased its deposits by 270% and increased loans by 200%. 

The Retail Banking division saw deposits increase by 168%, service per household increase by 20% and the success rate of customer calling campaigns went from .5% to 9%. 

S&T Bank

Senior Vice President

Within a year of implementing ASLAN’s complete account development process, we grew revenue 5% while customer demand was declining. And we saw incremental revenue growth of 46% within existing accounts.

Getty Images

Director of Learning

When ASLAN was hired, our goal was to grow from just under $700 million to $2 Billion. We achieved the goal in just 3 years and ASLAN played a key role. Not only do they have the best sales development programs but their ability to learn our business and customize the program was exactly what we needed to transition our sales force.

Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company

Director of Learning

We realized a 30% increase in incremental revenue within six months of hiring ASLAN for one reason – we embraced their process to turn our managers into coaches.

Schneider Electric


Within the first four months of implementing ASLAN’s program, appointments set with cold prospects jumped by 300% and engagement rates increased by 808%.

Fortune 1000 Life Insurance Company


We at InsurMark just completed what I believe to be one of many training programs with your company….I congratulate you on your success and want to comment on how impressed we are for who you are and what you stand for…The values that your company demonstrates are admired! To all of you, you have a home run in regards to your curriculum, your staff, and your philosophical standing in the business world! Thank you for ‘walking the walk’!



To determine the impact training would have on our business, we hired ASLAN to train our inbound reps in two of our four call centers. Bottom line, we recouped our six-figure investment in 30 days. Reps that were trained outperformed untrained reps by almost 8X.

Fortune 1000 Industrial Distributor


We wanted to test the impact of ASLAN’s approach, so we trained a select group of veteran reps and managers and compared the results. The reps that were trained and coached outperformed their peers by 56%.

Fortune 100 Insurance Company


After hiring ASLAN, we reduced customer attrition by 50% in the first two years — 5 times our goal. In the third year, we ended the year up 7,600 customers.

Fortune 1000 Energy Company

Vice President of Operations

Within the first four months of implementing ASLAN’s program, appointments set with cold prospects jumped by 300% and engagement rates increased by 808%.

Fortune 1000 Life Insurance Company


Our field guys gave this program the highest rating because it took the mystery out of prospecting. They learned where to focus, how to get there, and it wasn’t based on cheesy manipulation tactics. It’s the best program I’ve seen.

Fortune 100 Medical Manufacturer

Vice President

Of all the initiatives we’ve rolled out this year, ASLAN’s Catalyst program has been the star of the show. Your process, your ability to understand our DNA was truly amazing. You guys are freak’n awesome to work with! Every time I talked to one of our leaders they rave about the program. Not only was the program extremely successful but your people blew us away. Everyone we met with from ASLAN, were truly exceptional. We love our partnership with ASLAN.

Fortune 500 Insurance Company

Vice President of National Sales Training

Someone asked me recently why I've sold more than 2 times the nearest seller and get 25% more appointments. The simple answer is most reps don't understand how to create receptivity. I've used this other centered approach to selling since 2015. It completely reframes how you think about selling and that's why it works.

Tyler Bergman

Regional Vice President, Financial Services

Selling is dumb. Don’t sell things. Listen, be genuine, be curious. This philosophy and approach helped me find my voice as an account manager. Instead of providing me with antiquated sales scripts, I learned how to navigate the roadblocks that were keeping me from growing my accounts and it’s helped me consistently exceed both my professional and quota goals.

Blake Schlukbier

Global Account Manager, Red Hat

This strategy and methodology moved my team from good to great, outperforming teams four times our size. We are now guides and managers of the sales process rather than pushers and pullers. Employing these techniques opened doors with decision makers who consistently denied access in the past. Bottom line, it worked in the toughest market we’ve ever faced.

Robert Zeman

District Sales Manager, Aflac


ASLAN Resources

Before you go, here are some resources to help you investigate our ideas and approach.
